JUST mention the word sex and most Brits dissolve into a quivering mess.

Which is why 60 Minutes Of Sex is being introduced at Oxford Science Week, to bring us to our senses and address some of those burning issues that we love not to talk about.

Panellist Dr Petra Boynton says: “Most people have sex, so unlike astro-physics, which few of us have any actual experience of, sex is something we can all relate to.

“And if you think you already know all the answers I think you’ll be surprised. This is all about making sex and science more accessible.”

Judith Hann, of Tomorrow’s World fame, is chairing the event. She’s also expecting 60 Minutes Of Sex to be a fascinating hour.

“Well it’s part of everyday life isn’t it?” she says. “The science of sex – Viagra, IVF, teenage pregnancies, the new vaccine against cervical cancer.”

At 5pm today a panel of experts will answer all your questions about the science of sex at Oxford Playhouse, from inheritance to embryonic testing and sex in space.

Also featuring Professor Paul Harvey of Oxford University, the Bishop of Swindon, Dr Lee Rayfield, and psychiatrist Dr Domenico Di Ceglie, people of all ages will be invited to ask questions on topics such as gender, genetic testing, the sex chip, inheritance and contraception, for what is set to be an evening of exciting, informative and occasionally embarrassing debate.

There’s very little about sex that Dr Petra Boynton doesn’t know.

She’s an agony aunt and sex researcher specialising in sexual health, prostitution and relationship sex.

But she also has a sense of humour and the ability to cut through scientific jargon to make it easier for us to understand and appreciate what is realistic.

“Culturally we are interested and intrigued by sex and yet we are not always able to talk about it,” she says.

“Neither do we have gender equality. Girls and women are still called slags while men and boys are encouraged to sleep with as many women as possible.

“We say girls should learn to say no, but what about boys? We should be teaching them about respect, boundaries and communication and to take responsibility for their actions,” she says. As for sex within marriage, Dr Boynton is as vocal.

“First we were shown how to decorate our homes, then there was the Supernanny naughty step and now it’s about having multiple orgasms,” she laughs.

“I mean what’s wrong with just the one?”

“We’re made to feel as if we have to buy into this stuff, and the answer isn’t just about what knickers you wear or ‘sex in a box’. There really there isn’t a magic path, pill or makeover.”

As for Dr Boynton herself, the 38-year-old has a toddler and her partner is a journalist, so says he understands her work.

“I think people think I live in a brothel and just lie around having sex all day,“ she laughs.

“But as scientists we need to inform the media all the time about the truth because the majority of our children do not have these graphic sex lives we are being told about, and yet as parents there is a moral panic because we are assuming the worst.”

Dr Boynton’s post bag is full of questions about the same issues that she faced as a girl, ie bra sizes, periods, boyfriends and how to avoid sexual pressure. It’s only a minority asking about more hard-core issues, and mainly that’s because it’s what they have found on the Internet,” she says.

“We are a generation whose children have little sex education and we had little ourselves, and yet are swamped by the commercialism of sex. It’s amazing there aren’t more teenage pregnancies.”

“The most important thing for young people is that they shouldn’t be having sex until they are ready, but it’s hard to know when the right time is because they are bombarded with material in the media selling sex.”

But back to the debate. What if you want to know something but are too embarrassed to ask?

“You can write your questions down instead,” Dr Boynton says.

“A man might want to ask about the average penis size and everyone will assume it’s because he’s got a tiny one, so people can write their questions down, but we are also hoping for a lively vocal debate.”

60 Minutes Of Sex is at 5pm today at The Oxford Playhouse. Box office: 01865 305305.