The John Darwin Award for Remarkable Comebacks this month goes to Spiritualized's Jason 'Spaceman' Pierce, who has not only bounced back after a near-death experience due to pneumonia, but is on possibly the best form of his career.

His show at the Carling Academy on Monday was moving and exhilarating in equal measure. It was also studded with blasts of raucous psychedelic rock from his Spacemen 3 days, which kept the faithful deliriously disorientated with a relentless barrage of sound, strobes and lasers. It was the closest most of us will get to what those crazy cats in the 60s used to call an acid trip. Whatever that means.

The last time we saw anything that good was, appropriately, at the hands of Jason's former Spacemen 3 partner in crime Pete 'Sonic Boom' Kember at this year's Truck Festival. Speaking after the set (which was criminally cut short, incidentally, and about which he was mightily unhappy) I asked Rugby's finest whether he would consider getting the Spacemen back together again.

Deep and thoughtful bloke he is, Sonic mulled over the question before admitting with genuine sadness that it probably would never happen. That these two legends (OK, I've used the word, but again, it's deserved) should still be estranged because of a misunderstanding more than 15 years ago is nothing short of tragic.

Come on, lads. if Sinn Fein and the other lot can do it in Northern Ireland, not to mention 'Fluffer' (cough!) Glenn Tilbrook and co-Squeezer Chris Difford, then surely the greatest exponents of acid rock can share the pipe of peace?