Dawn French has got a sore throat so we can only talk in whispers.

But despite the hissed answers she's still on great form and loving every minute of the tour.

For those of you who haven't heard, this is the last time French and Saunders will be on the road together, so they are savouring every moment.

"The audiences have been delightful, but then they always have been great for us and we know they come to see us because they like us, so we are already their chums.

"And there's nothing like playing to a live audience.

"It feels so right because that's how we started off, and even when we're completely exhausted, like the other day when we drove from Aberdeen to Ipswich and then went straight on stage, as soon as you get up there in front of an audience it's just brilliant and you get a sudden rush of energy."

When they aren't on stage together, you'll probably find French and Saunders off stage together too.

"We have been out dancing and singing after the show," Dawn says defensively, "but last night I was in Jen's room and we curled up, watched TV, ordered some food and had a good old natter, and that's another great thing about being on tour - we have quality time together."

Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders have been enjoying "quality time" together for the past 30 years, having first met as students at London's Central School of Speech and Drama, forming what is now the most famous and enduring female double act in comedy's history.

But Dawn, 50, says this is not the end, it just gives the famous pair time to do something else.

"It frees us up to do all the other things we want to do together."

So does Dawn, star of The Vicar Of Dibley, think she will ever regret bowing out now?

"No, I always knew the best time to leave a party was when it was still rocking and I never regret anything I've done in my life.

"It's just the healthiest time to do it.

"And the sketches do take up a lot of time and energy. "

When the tour finally finishes, Dawn is looking forward to slipping off to her new home in Cornwall with her husband - comedian Lenny Henry - and their daughter Billy.

"We have been doing it up for the past year and a half so I can't wait to go and spend some time there," she said in an excited whisper.

"But I grew up in Cornwall - that's where my family are - and I always said I would go back there."

So does this mean she'll see less of Jennifer?

"No, because she has a house in Devon and it's a great cafe stop," Dawn smiles.

"And anyway it's always been feast and famine with us so if we don't see each other we are always in touch by phone, although this year we've been together pretty much 24/7 since Christmas."

So does she see their relationship as akin to a showbiz marriage?

"No," Dawn laughs, "But it is a partnership and I feel very safe with Jen on stage and know nothing bad can happen. So if I freeze or forget where we are she runs with it until I catch up and vice-versa.

"I just hope we don't both forget the same bit," Dawn says before bursting out laughing.

And what of Dawn's family while she's away. Does she miss them?

"Oh terribly, " she whispers, "that's the downside of touring, but then it's probably quite good for them at the same time to have to cope without me."

Hopefully we won't have to cope without Dawn for too long.

French and Saunders appear at Oxford's New Theatre from Monday to Wednesday.

Box office on 0844 8471588.