KATHERINE MACALISTER talks to popular TV presenter Michaela Strachan about her new stage show for kids

Next time you are hurrying for a train or about to drive to work, spare a thought for Michaela Strachan. She lives in South Africa these days so her commute is longer than most. And with a UK children’s stage show to tour and TV favourite Springwatch to film she’s bracing herself.

“We’ve lived in Cape Town for 11 years now and my son was born there. It was one of those things that just happened and if I’d really thought about it I would have thought it was a bonkers idea. I travelled so much anyway I didn’t think anything of it because I had such an international career. But now all my work seems to be UK based it is a hardy commute.”

As a result Michaela is more choosy with what she will and won’t take on: “I don’t work as much as I used to and condense everything into the few weeks I’m in the UK. So if anyone wants me to do something, it needs to be within that time period.”

Having said that Michaela’s current children’s show The Really Wild Adventures Tour, coming to the Oxford Playhouse tomorrow, is a huge labour of love. Based on her book of the same name, the show is a combination of rhyme, puppets and her animal experiences.

Because having fronted children’s TV in the form of The Wide Awake Club with Timmy Mallett, she joined The Really Wild Show in 1993, before gradually moving into adult shows like Countryfile, Autumnwatch and Springwatch.

”I love doing things for children. I’ve missed it and I started writing the book a few years ago because I had all this wildlife experience to use. When I was filming I used to write postcards home with rhymes on, so the book stemmed from that, and the kind of books I read with my son Oli, that’s where I got my inspiration from.

“So the rhyme about the Elephant in the Blanket came from my experiences when filming The Elephant Diaries. And each of the poems are based on adventures I’ve had. Plus I have a strong belief in learning through fun, so that’s what we are bringing to Oxford.”

Even so talking to the camera and performing on stage in front of hundreds of children are very different experiences? “I’m really at home in theatre and very comfortable on stage so it doesn’t phase me in the slightest. However, people think theatre sounds terribly glam but actually it’s just means I help unpack and put the stage up,” she laughs.

With Springwatch about to kick off as well, Michaela is going to have her hands full. “We always get criticised for filming in May – people say it’s not spring – but it’s lucky we have this year. Last year everything was early, and this year late, so it will be interesting to see what happens.”

In terms of popularity though Springwatch is going from strength to strength. “The shows seem to be doing really well,” the 47-year-old agrees. “I think people feel quite helpless watching wildlife programmes from all over the world – because when you witness rhino poaching all you can do is give money – while you can do something about the wildlife in your own back yard. People can make a difference.”

And what of criticism that Michaela isn’t qualified for the job? “I’m an enthusiastic amateur and its works very well,” she smiles unconcerned. “Three Chris Packhams and we would lose the audience, so I balance out Chris who does the science expert bit and Merlin, who’s in between.

“So I feel like I have the best of both worlds and get to experience both. I am very fortunate. In fact sometimes I can’t believe I’ve had the experiences I’ve had over the years and will never take that for granted.”

Michaela Strachan’s Really Wild Adventure comes to the Oxford Playhouse on Friday 12 April at 5pm. Box office on 01865 305305 or book online at oxfordplayhouse.com