BUSINESSES from across Oxfordshire have been recognised as among the best in the world after scooping top enterprise awards.o Businessman-turned-adviser John Jennens, 82, and companies Owen Mumford and Ovation Systems have all won prestigious Queen's Awards Mr Jennens, who retired from corporate life in 1985 after suffering a heart attack, is still working as a volunteer business adviser.

He won an award for for enterprise promotion, which usually goes to captains of industry.

Mr Jennens is being honoured for helping thousands of people to start their own businesses through his work with various Oxfordshire business advice centres, either unpaid or for a nominal sum.

He said: "After 37 years of corporate life I had a heart attack, and realised what really turned me on wasn't making money for myself, but the idea of helping people to turn bright ideas into good businesses."

He added: "I'm very excited to be singled out for this award. But it recognises all the work done by hundreds of other advisors to help people in their first steps building sound businesses.

"Enterprise agencies desperately need more funding if this vital support is to continue".

Mr Jennens, who lives in Henley, mentored for the Prince's Trust for four years. From 1993-1996 he was with the Training and Enterprise Council, then with Thames Business Advice Centre in South Oxfordshire and its successor Oxfordshire Business Enterprise.

Communications consultant Jon Barton, one of thousands of grateful clients, said: "His tough love is exactly what people like us need to build businesses which can last.

"He's always courteous - the exact opposite of Alan Sugar - but combines kindness with a laser-sharp focus on any weakness or muddle in our business thinking."

Recipients will collect their awards from the Queen in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace later this year.