Two companies pioneering 'green' technologies have won top awards.

Regenatec, of Milton Park, near Abingdon, which has developed technology to allow vehicles to run on used vegetable oil, and Red Engineering Design of Bucknell, near Bicester, were both winners in the regional heats of the HSBC Start Up Stars Awards.

Entrepreneur Mike Lawton founded Regenatec two years ago after developing the technology as a student to fuel his car so he could visit his future wife.

The company uses a garage near Didcot to convert private cars to run on plant oil which has been duty-free for private motorists since July 1 and cuts carbon emissions.

Now his company is looking for investors to develop a converter for commercial vehicles.

Red Engineering Design was started more than two years ago by Robert Ward, Mike Baker, Ian Whitfield, Nick Vaney and Barry Wormald, experienced designers of building service systems. The firm designs environmentally sound buildings.

The South East winners will now compete for a place in the national finals at the Dorchester Hotel, London, on October 24, and the chance to scoop the top prize of £25,000.

Simon Wainwright, of HSBC, said: "The competition for places at regional level has been extremely strong this year, reflecting both the increasing numbers of new businesses in the UK and their growing professionalism."

Mr Lawton was also named Up & Coming Entrepreneur of the Year in the Sir Martin and Audrey Wood Awards for Enterprise, while Regenatec was Best Small Company in this year's Oxfordshire Business Awards.

Red won an International Achievement honour in the Building Services Awards