Restaurants, bars and cafes in Oxford are being warned that tax inspectors are making spot checks in the city.

Accountants Wellers say officials from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) could visit premises at any time and ask to inspect daily or weekly takings that have been put through the till.

The aim is to ensure records of cash transactions are matching expected figures.

Stuart Crook of Wellers said: "We have already had two clients visited without prior warning. In each case, the tills were analysed and records of daily and weekly takings were recorded.

"This is completely legal and with its new powers HMRC can also contact any business by telephone and ask one question about any element of the business.

"HMRC is simply trying to ensure the records they find, and the answers they are given, match existing and expected data. Any discrepancies may spark further investigation."

"HMRC has advised us it will be carrying out further spot checks in Oxfordshire over the next three weeks. We have been assured the checks are entirely random."

An HMRC spokesman said: "Officers carry out visits to businesses on a range of different issues."