IB response to your story of December 15 concerning the increased allowances for Oxfordshire county councillors (‘Majority of county councillors stay silent over allowances rise’), I would like to commend Lynda Atkins for Wallingford for her honesty in admitting she will accept the increase.

Whilst a number of councillors either declined the increase or offered it to charity, the majority appear to have kept quiet – obviously hoping that if they make no public statement it will be assumed that they won’t be taking the extra money, ahem…

I was however slightly taken aback with Councillor Atkins’ justification for accepting the increase of; “I am in the process of reducing my paid working hours.”

It does make me wonder, given that she is currently employed by Ed Vaizey MP as a constituency case worker, if she does not expect this job to last beyond the general election next year?

Lee Upcraft
Wantage Road

Today’s letters

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