CHRISTMAS Day was ruined for three families when their homes were ransacked by burglars.

Thieves took iPods, laptops and jewellery during the burglaries on December 25.

There was a total of 19 break-ins at homes in Oxford between December 23 and December 27, half of them committed while householders were out visiting friends and relatives.

Burglars targeted a house in Saunders Road, East Oxford, between 10-11pm on December 25, getting in through the front door and stealing a mobile phone, a wallet and cash.

In Crescent Road, Cowley, iPods, mobile phones, games consoles, a laptop and cash were snatched by crooks who also broke in through the front door, between 1.30-11.30pm.

In High Cross Way, Headington, thieves struck between 10am and 8pm, smashing a back door and helping themselves to alcohol, a laptop, a computer games console, jewellery and a television.

DS Claire Storry, of Thames Valley Police, said: “I can only imagine that these burglaries made the victims feel violated and cross, and that their Christmas had been ruined.”

Some of the 19 houses burgled had proved easy prey for criminals who strolled in through unlocked doors.

Ds Storry said: “We’ve even had a situation where someone left their elderly mother in a house with the door unlocked, and someone walked in and took the TV.”

She urged the public to dial 999 if they suspected a burglary might be in progress, saying: “We’ve upped patrols in the areas affected, but people need to notify us if they think a burglary might be taking place.”

Other crimes had been averted due to one quick-witted member of the public.

She said: “A lady called us who had been aware of other burglaries in her surrounding streets because we had been sharing information about them with the public.

“When she became aware of suspicious activity near her she alerted us to it. We were then able to respond straight away and make an arrest.”

Other suspects have also been arrested and charged, with one man being accused of eight burglaries in the city between May and December.