A cyclist was chased through the centre of Oxford after someone in a van threw stones at him, according to police.

Thames Valley Police said the 27-year-old was cycling near the junction joining Longwall Street and High Street on August 1 at 12.15pm when someone in a white transit van, with “Oxford Rentals” written on the side, threw the stones at him from the moving vehicle.

Officers said the cyclist tried to take a photograph of the van driver and passenger with his phone, but the driver got out the van to take the phone off him.

The force added that the van driver, who was described as in his thirties with dark hair, then chased the victim, who escaped by running towards Magdalen Bridge.

TVP said the cyclist was not hurt.

PC Sarah Watts, based in Cowley, said: “This assault happened in the middle of the day in the centre of Oxford, and it’s likely that a number of people will have seen this dangerous and cowardly attack.”

Thames Valley Police did not say what happened to the bike.