TV farmer Jeremy Clarkson has plans to boost his income by launching his own perfume range.

The TV presenter, 64, has made millions from his hit Amazon Prime series Clarkson's Farm documenting his attempts to turn a profit from his Diddly Squat farm in Chadlington.

He now wants to boost his wealth which is reported to be £55million.

Mr Clarkson has applied to trademark new candles and a women's perfume, which will be called Diddly Squat Wet.

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He has also protected his “I am a f***er” slogan –the f-word being farmer.

The I Am a F***er T-shirt is one of Diddly Squat's best sellers at £28 online.

Mr Clarkson already sells a This Smells Like My B******s candle which costs from £39 for two.

The candle was created in a dig at actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s This Smells Like My Vagina candle which sells for a whopping £59 on her Goop lifestyle site.